Y Diweddaraf
Yn dilyn trywydd newydd y Senedd o leddfu'r cyfnodau clo yng Nghymru, rydym yn falch iawn o hysbysu cynllun ein dysgu yn yr wythnosau a misoedd nesaf.
Fel ein harfer, rydym eisiau dysgu cymaint o'm disgyblion a sy'n bosib. Felly rydym yn gweithio gydag athrawon ac ysgolion i gynnal gwersi wyneb yng ngwyneb mewn ffordd diogel cy
Y Diweddaraf
Yn dilyn trywydd newydd y Senedd o leddfu'r cyfnodau clo yng Nghymru, rydym yn falch iawn o hysbysu cynllun ein dysgu yn yr wythnosau a misoedd nesaf.
Fel ein harfer, rydym eisiau dysgu cymaint o'm disgyblion a sy'n bosib. Felly rydym yn gweithio gydag athrawon ac ysgolion i gynnal gwersi wyneb yng ngwyneb mewn ffordd diogel cyn gynteg a sydd yn bosib, wrth gadarnhau ein bod yn dilyn canllawiau caeth cyfarpar diogelu personol yn ein gwersi.
Gweithiwn gydag athrawon ac ysgolion i ddychwelyd cyn gynteg a sy'n bosib i ddychwelyn i ysgolion er mwyn dysgu. Gan fod y sefyllfa'n newidol gydag ysgolion unigol yn dilyn eu rheolau unigryw, mae AGDC yn dilyn y creiteria canlynol er mwyn dychwelyd i ddysgu:
Gweithiwn gydag athrawon ac ysgolion i ddychwelyd cyn gynteg a sy'n bosib i ddychwelyn i ysgolion er mwyn dysgu. Gan fod y sefyllfa'n newidol gydag ysgolion unigol yn dilyn eu rheolau unigryw, mae AGDC yn dilyn y creiteria canlynol er mwyn dychwelyd i ddysgu:
Lle ni ellir cael mynediad i ysgol, byddwn yn cynnig addysgu o ansawdd uchel ar-lein tu allan i oriau ysgol neu ar amser cyd-gyfleus.
Byddwch yn hyderus ein bod yn ceisio rhoi'r addysg orau i'n disgyblion yn ystod yr amseroedd heriol yma.
Os nad yw'n bosib i gynnal gwersi gwyneb-yng-ngwyneb, bydd ein holl dysgu dros y we, gan ddefnyddio Teams, Skype, Zoom neu WhatsApp. Ceisir gadw at yr un amserlen ag yn yr ysgol, lle phosib, er mwyn sicrhau datblygiad addysg cerddorol pob disgybl.
Following the government’s new roadmap to easing lockdown in Wales, we are pleased to inform you of our approach to teaching music for the coming weeks and months.
As always, we want to continue to teach as many existing and new students as possible. As such, we are working with schools and teachers to return to face-to-face activiti
Following the government’s new roadmap to easing lockdown in Wales, we are pleased to inform you of our approach to teaching music for the coming weeks and months.
As always, we want to continue to teach as many existing and new students as possible. As such, we are working with schools and teachers to return to face-to-face activities in a safe manner as soon as we are able, ensuring we adhere to strict guidleines with regards PPE in our lessons.
We will work with schools and teachers to return to face-to-face teaching in as many schools as possible as quickly as we can. As this is a fluid situation with individual schools having their own criteria and guidelines for staff and pupils, SWMA has set the following criteria for returning:
We will work with schools and teachers to return to face-to-face teaching in as many schools as possible as quickly as we can. As this is a fluid situation with individual schools having their own criteria and guidelines for staff and pupils, SWMA has set the following criteria for returning:
Where we are not able to access a school, we will continue to offer high quality online lessons outside of school hours or at a mutually convenient time.
Please be confident that we will endeavour to give our pupils the best education in these challenging circumstances.
Should we be unable to provide face-to-face lessons, all tuition will be transferred to online learning , via Teams, Skype, Zoom or WhatsApp. We will make every effort to follow the same timetabling as in school, where poss
Please be confident that we will endeavour to give our pupils the best education in these challenging circumstances.
Should we be unable to provide face-to-face lessons, all tuition will be transferred to online learning , via Teams, Skype, Zoom or WhatsApp. We will make every effort to follow the same timetabling as in school, where possible, in order to ensure your child's music education continues without interruption.
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Academi Gerdd De Cymru